What do you need for a free play zone to entertain the kids at home
By Clark Rubber | 17th October, 2019
How well-suited is your home for allowing children space to play on their own? Free play involves any kind of unstructured activity that encourages children to use their imagination and allows children to explore without adult guidance. Essentially, children set the tone for play and use their imaginations and equipment to create untold stories of wonder and joy.
Across previous generations, both inside and outside free play was an important part of a child's development - learning vital social skills as well as coordination, concentration and building self-esteem. That's why parents should think about how their homes can work as a hub for free play. Here are the benefits of free play, what you need, and how the professionals at Clark Rubber can help you make it happen.
What are the benefits of a free play environment?
There are many advantages to letting your child roam free through play. It assists to develop problem-solving skills, make independent decisions on their own, social-emotional learning, and improved brain development.
While some parents struggle with this type of play, children can be quite creative when left to their own devices. If the environment is safe and secure, children will thrive in free play mode.
How do you create a free play environment?
Free play environments can be set up either inside or outside, depending on the shape and size of the family home. Once you have the space, you will need some indoor play activities for the kids.
Big triangles and different sized blocks give an inventive twist on classic cushions and get children building all over the home. The same goes for rolling logs and miniature steps and incorporated together there are hours of fun for the kids! Giving children different shapes for them to play with puts their architecture and design skills to work from a young age.
The Kids EVA play tiles are another great option for this free play as they can protect your floors and reduce noise.
With a wide range of shapes and products in great primary colours which are easier for young, developing eyes to see, the Clark Kids selection is great for giving children hours fun play. If you would like to set up a kid’s free play area with great toys and furniture, contact the friendly team at your local Clark Rubber today.