Aquatherepe Pool Minerals – 10KG:
Experience the high level relaxation, bather comfort and water softness that only an Aquatherepe Mineral Pool can provide.
For millennia, people have sought out the mineral springs and seas across the globe for the healing and relaxation properties.
Now Aquatherepe by AstralPool, contains a special blend of Magnesium, Potassium, Salt and Borates which combine to allow a perfectly sanitised pool, and the ultimate, relaxed and bathing experience.
Aquatherepe is the product recommended for:
• New pools that are being set up as a mineral pool.
• Existing salt pools that are being refilled and pool owners want to set it up as a mineral pool.
• Existing salt water pool pools that have recently been converted to using Aquatherepe TRANSFORM.
Magnesium is a nutrient required for normal human growth and development and has health benefits plus assists with maintaining water clarity and softness.
The inclusion of sodium works in conjunction with the electrolysis produced by salt water to generate sanitiser for your pool.
Potassium aids in sanitiser production, acts as a moisturiser and in combination with magnesium, provides a soothing effect to the skin.
Borates in the formula aid in softening the water to deliver a luxurious swimming experience.
So now you can have a mineral spring in your own back yard and enjoy the relaxation, wellness and comfort it can deliver. .
For all new pools use 4-5 bags of Acquatherepé for every 10,000L. Then simply add the required Acquatherepé 10kg bag when your ‘add salt’ light comes on your Chlorinator.
Setting up a new Aquatherepe Pool
Swimming Pool Size / Bags 10KG Aquatherepe -
• 10,000 / 4-5 Bag
• 20,000 / 9 Bags
• 50,000 / 23 Bags
Aquatherepe is available in 10KG bags and Clark Rubber can test your pool water and provide recommendations on how many bags you may require to correct the levels and balance of your pool.