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Collection of Products\Models\Api\ProductInterest

Contains a collection of records. Provides methods for sorting and filtering the collection. Can be iterated in a foreach-loop

Property Description Returns
current Return the current element Collection (ProductInterest)
key Return the key of the current element Collection (ProductInterest)
next Move forward to next element
keys Gets all keys/indices of the collection. array
values Gets all values of the collection. array
toArray Gets an array representation of the collection. array
first Get the first element in the collection without modifying the pointer Collection (ProductInterest)
first Sets the internal iterator to the first element in the collection and returns the element. Collection (ProductInterest)
last Get the last element in the collection without modifying the pointer Collection (ProductInterest)
last Sets the internal iterator to the first element in the collection and returns the element. Collection (ProductInterest)
iterator Retrieve an external iterator. Traversable
count Count the elements inside of the collection. int
valid Checks if current position is valid. Returns true on success or false on failure. bool
rewind Rewind the Iterator to the first element.
shuffled Get a shuffled collection from this collection. Collection (ProductInterest)
__toString Get a string representation of the ResponseModelsCollection. string
jsonEncode Get a representation of the ResponseModel to be used with json_encode.
Uses the list representation with the id as key in an object that is returned