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CustomEntities default templates (Backend)

This page contains an overview of the default templates for the CustomEntities module.

The overview is generated based on controllers using the specified template as their default layout and containing GET methods; thus depending on the configuration the controller might not use the template at all or other controllers might use the template too.
The table is only meant as a first orientation which ResponseVariables can likely be expected when working with the template.

File Controller GET Response variables GET Description
custom-entities/backend/definitions/add.html Definitions\Add
Name Type Description
definition Definition Single (empty) Definition record
Add a new record. Assigns an empty record to the template.
custom-entities/backend/definitions/edit.html Definitions\Edit
Name Type Description
definition Definition Retrieved Definition record
Retrieve a single record and display the edit page for the record
custom-entities/backend/definitions/manage.html Definitions\Manage
Name Type Description
definitions Collection (Definition) Collection of Definitions
Retrieve available records and assign them to the template for editing.
custom-entities/backend/records/add.html Records\Add
Name Type Description
record Record Single (empty) Record record
Add a new record. Assigns an empty record to the template.
custom-entities/backend/records/edit.html Records\Edit
Name Type Description
record Record Retrieved Record record
Retrieve a single record and display the edit page for the record
custom-entities/backend/records/manage.html Records\Manage
Name Type Description
records Collection (Record) Collection of Records
Retrieve available records and assign them to the template for editing.