Frontend | Backend | Api



Method Description Returns
getFullName() Get the full name of the person string
getHateoasLinks() Get the HATEOAS links for the record array
getDeleteUrl() Get the url for deleting the record. string
getEditUrl() Get the url for editing the record. string
getManageUrl() Get the url for managing records. string
getId() int
getEmail() string
getTitle() string
getGender() string
getFirstName() string
getMiddleName() string
getLastName() string
getCreated() Get the date the record was created. DateTime
getModified() Get the last modification date for the record. DateTime
getUser() User
getAuthor() Author
getPersonAddresses() Collection (PersonAddress)
getGroups() Collection
getProductInterests() Collection (ProductInterest)
getCustomFieldValues() Collection (PersonCustomFieldValue)
getCustomFieldValue(CustomField $customField) Get the value for a custom field CustomFieldValue
getCustomFieldValueByName(string $customFieldName) Get the value for a custom field by the custom field name CustomFieldValue
getCustomFieldContent(string $customFieldName) Get the content for the custom field identified by the specified name Content
getCustomFieldContentOrDefault(string $customFieldName) Get the content ( or default content) for the custom field identified by the specified name Content
getCustomFieldBoolean(string $customFieldName, ?bool|null $default) Get the (default) content of the custom field as boolean value bool
getCustomFieldText(string $customFieldName, ?string|null $default) Get the (default) content of the custom field as text string
getCustomFieldImage(string $customFieldName) Get the (default) image contained in the custom field Image
getCustomFieldFile(string $customFieldName) Get the (default) file contained in the custom field File
getCustomFields() Get the custom fields for this entity array
hasCustomField(string $customFieldName) Check if the entity has a custom field with the specified name bool
isNewRecord() Check if the record is a new record bool
isHierarchicalModel() Check whether a model is a hierarchical model, i.e. can have children bool
isVersionedModel() Check whether a model is versioned bool
getAvailableGroups() Get the available groups Collection
getAvailableCountries() Get the available countries Collection
getAvailableStates() Get the available states Collection
getAvailableAddressTypes() Get the available address types Collection
getNewAddress() Get a new address Address
getDisplayProperty() Get the display property to use string
getFullNameOrEmail() Displays the user's full name or email in select fields (like Owner). string