How To Clean A Green Pool
By Clark Rubber | 17th October, 2019
Over time, the clear blue of your pool can turn into a shade of green. While this is unsightly, it can be fixed with the right pool chemicals and help from your local Clark Rubber pool experts.
Read on for our advice on the causes behind green pools, as well as how to clean them and prevent this from happening again.
What causes a pool to turn green?
If your pool looks green, it is usually because you have a green algae spread.
Green algae spreads are the primary cause of this issue. Green algae occurs due to incorrect water balance, an abundance of phosphates (or carbon dioxides/nitrates), malfunctioning filtration and sanitation, or simply too much warmth or sunlight.
When this occurs, your pool starts to get green and cloudy, the filter requires more frequent cleaning, and the walls or floor can begin to stain.
How to clean a green pool
Step one: Have your water professionally tested at your local Clark Rubber store before commencing any chemical treatments.
Step two: Remove all excess leaves and debris from pool. Brush wall, floor and steps. For cartridge filters remove cartridge and reseal filter.
Step three: Ensure your pH level is between 7.4 and 7.6.
Use Filtrite pH Down or Filtrite Pool Acid to lower pH. Use Filtrite pH Up to increase pH.
Run your filter on circulate for two hours - you may also need to remove cartridge filters.
Step four: Add Filtrite Extreme Algaecide at 2.5 litres per 50,000 litres of pool wate in your pool. Make sure it goes all throughout the pool, then put your filter on circulate for two hours again. Remove cartridges if necessary.
Step five: Add Filtrite Trichlor Granular Chlorine Pool Chlorine at 500gm per 25,000 litres. Premix in bucket of water until dissolved and distribute evenly throughout pool. Alternatively, add 1 litre of Filtrite Liquid Chlorine per 1,000 litres of pool water. Run filter for 24 hours on recirculate.
Step six: Your water should turn a milky colour, indicating the algae is dead. If this doesn’t happen repeat steps three and four. Repeat the filter circulation for 48 hours. If there is no change to the water, bring in a sample of your water to be professionally analysed.
Step seven: Vacuum the sediment from the floor of the pool, then backwash your filter or use Filtrite Cartridge Cleaner, depending on your filtration system.
Step eight: Add Filtrite Algygone at 1 litre per 50,000 litres pool water to prevent algae growth from recurring. Use Filtrite Phosphate Eliminator to reduce nutrient level, test water for required dose.
If pool has not cleared in 48 hours, you may need to floc the pool using Filtrite
Supa Floc. Use Filtrire Super Floc as per the instructions on the bottle or return water sample to a Clark Rubber store.
How to prevent a pool from turning green
Ensuring your pool water is balanced is the first step - the experts at Clark Rubber can give you a free water sample test to determine exactly what pool chemicals you need to do this.
A water test can help you determine which pool products you need to keep your pool water balanced.
You can also use a long-life algaecide from the outset to ensure algae blooms do not take hold in your pool. Talk to the experts at Clark Rubber to find out which algaecide is best suited to your pool.
For advice on how to clean a green pool, Contact your nearest store or we can do the work for you with our Onsite Pool Care service.