Saniteezy for Spas - Instructions & Maintenance

Start-up and Maintenance Instructions.
To make any spa safe you need an effective sanitiser to protect bathers from harmful bacteria. Filtrite Sanit-eezy Eezy Sanitiser is at the heart of the chlorine-free solution and is an effective sanitising treatment that kills microorganisms in spa water, helping to maintain a hygienic swimming environment.
Filtrite Sanit-eezy for Spas is suitable for asthmatics and skin allergy sufferers and is ideal for any spa owner that wants a clean, fresh spa without the odours and skin irritations that can be associated with Chlorine / Bromine based sanitising systems.
If you are using a Sanit-eezy Spa Starter kit, please take a few moments to read this information and instructions. Read on to find out about setting up a new Spa, Swim Spa or Hot Tub with Sanit-eezy, as well as how to convert an existing spa to a Sanit-eezt spa, and how to maintain your Sanit-eezt chlorine-free spa.
Sanit-eezy Chlorine-Free Starter Kit for Spas:
Sanit-eezy Eezy Sanitiser for Spas is a chlorine-free solution for the control of bacteria in spas. The Sanit-eezy start kit contains the Eezy Sanitiser, as well as everything you need to get your chlorine-free spa started, and has been specially developed for the easy sanitising and maintenance of your spa.
The Sanit-eezy Starter Kit Contents and Purpose:
- Sanit-Eezy Eezy Chlorine-Free Spa Sanitiser:
- A specially formulated Biguanide sanitiser that provides ongoing protection against harmful bacteria in your spa, swim spa or hot tub.
Add weekly or as required after testing.
- Chlorine Remover:
- As the Eezy Sanitiser is not compatible with chlorine products, a chlorine remover is required to eliminate chlorine or bromine from water before the system is used.
Add Chlorine Remover when filling, refilling and when topping up spa, swim spa or hot tub water.
- Spa Shock - Oxidiser:
- A shock treatment, is a powerful non-chlorine oxidiser that promotes maximum sanitiser efficiency by oxidising contaminant waste, impurities and body fats in the water.
Use a shock treatment weekly or if water is cloudy after heavy bather use.
- Dry Acid (PH Reducer) for Spas
- A Dry Acid or pH Reducer, is used to lower the pH and total alkalinity of water in spas for effective water balance control, and to prevent itchy skin and scaling of spa equipment.
Add as required after testing the water to achieve a suitable range of 7.2 to 7.6 to keep your water safe and clear.
- Calcium Hardness Increaser-Enhancer for Spas:
- Used to raise calcium hardness level in your spa or hot tub, which is an important factor in overall spa water health.
Add as required after testing the water to achieve a suitable range of 175-350ppm.
- Spa Pipe Cleaner:
- Thoroughly cleanses the oils and body fats that can build up in spa pipework.
Use when converting an existing spa, swim spa or hot tub to Sanit-eezy for Spas.
Use every 12 weeks after start-up
- Spa Anti-Foaming agent:
- A powerful anti-foaming agent that eliminates and prevents foam formation.
Add to the spa if foam forms on the water surface.
- Water Clarifier:
- A specially formulated clarifier for spas that works in harmony with Eezy Sanitiser to provide exceptional water clarity.
Add weekly or as required.
- Filter Cleaner
- A powerful fast-acting instant filter clean.
Cartridges should be cleaned weekly or after heavy bather load.
- Spa Test Kit
Used to test Biguanide sanitiser levels in your spa and to determine if the sanitiser levels need to be corrected.
- Spa Cleaning Pad
A convenient addition to your kit, for use when cleaning your spa surfaces.
User Instructions
- More is not better. DO NOT OVERDOSE. Adding more of any chemicals is not better.
- Always wait 1 hour between adding each product. Run filter pump only. Do not activate the spa jet boost pumps during dosing.
- Sanit-eezy is NOT compatible with chlorine or bromine based products. DO NOT ADD THESE to the spa and please ensure a chlorine remover is used when you are converting your spa to a Sanit-eezy system.
- Always remove cover when adding chemicals and leave uncovered for at least half an hour, to allow spa, swim spa or hot tub to ‘breathe’. The spa should be allowed to breathe once a week for half an hour with cover removed.
- Add half a dose (25gm per 1,000 litres) of Chlorine Remover prior to topping up spa, swim spa or hot tub.
- A light brown foam around the waterline may occur, depending on the quality of the water source. This is a normal reaction as the sanitiser ‘flocs’ water impurities. Simply wipe off with the convenient Spa cleaning Pad provided. For a persistent brown line, add a further dose of Chlorine Remover.
- Check pH, alkalinity and calcium hardness levels once a week.
- The ideal level of pH is between 7.2-7.6.
- The ideal level of alkalinity is between 80-140ppm
- The ideal level of calcium hardness is between 150-250ppm.
- Use Eezy Alkalinity Enhancer or Filtrite Spa pH Buffer to increase total alkalinity and pH.
- Use Eezy pH Reducer or Filtrite Spa pH Down to decrease pH and total alkalinity.
- When adjusting pH, it is better to use half recommended dose at a time and re-check after 1 hour.
- Use Eezy Calcium Enhancer or Filtrite Spa Hardness increase to increase the calcium hardness levels in the spa.
- Use a Filtrite Filter Cleaner to clean filter cartridges once per week or if water is cloudy after heavy bather use.
- If people have consumed alcohol, they significantly increase the amount of perspiration and body fats in the spa, swim spa or hot tub. These body fats are trapped in the filter cartridge until it becomes clogged which ultimately results in cloudy water. For optimum water clarity, filter cartridges should be cleaned afterwards.
- Spas, swim spas or hot tubs should be drained at least every 12 weeks, and more often with higher bather loads, with a Filtrite Pipe Cleaner used to clean oils and body fats from pipe work.
Treating a New Spa, Swim Spa or Hot Tub with Sanit-eezy
Step 1
- Fill spa, swim spa or hot tub. Leave cover off.
Step 2
- Add 50gms per 1,000 litres of Filtrite Chlorine Remover to a bucket of water and mix.
- Run filter pump and add the Chlorine Remover to spa, swim spa or hot tub.
- Run for 2 hours prior to adding any other chemical with lid or cover off.
- Add Eezy Sanitiser once per week at 60ml per 1,000 litres.
Step 3
- Test pH, alkalinity and calcium hardness level.
- The ideal level of pH is between 7.2-7.6.
- The ideal level of alkalinity is between 80-140ppm
- The ideal level of calcium hardness is between 150-250ppm.
- Use Eezy Alkalinity Enhancer or Filtrite Spa pH Buffer to increase total alkalinity and pH.
- Use Eezy pH Reducer or Filtrite Spa pH Down to decrease pH and total alkalinity.
- When adjusting pH, it is better to use half recommended dose at a time and re-check after 1 hour.
- Use Eezy Calcium Enhancer or Filtrite Spa Hardness increase to increase the calcium hardness levels in the spa.
Step 4
- Add Eezy Shock of Spa Ultra Shock at the recommended dosage. Run filter pump for 1 hour.
- IMPORTANT: Do not run boost pumps when adding Eezy Shock.
Step 5
- Add Eezy Sanitiser at the rate of 60ml per 1,000 litres.
- Run the filter pump for 1 hour.
- IMPORTANT: Do not run boost pumps when adding Eezy Sanitiser.
Step 6
- Add the clarifier (Eezy Kleer or Crystal Clear) at the recommended dosage.
- Run filter pump.
- IMPORTANT: Do not run boost pumps when adding the clarifer.
Step 7
- Run filter pump for a minimum of 4 hours, or until water is clear.
Converting an existing Spa, Swim Spa or Hot Tub with Sanit-eezy
Step 1
- Remove filter cartridges and thoroughly clean using a Filtrite filter cleaner (Eezy Filter Klenz or Spa Filter Cleaner).
Step 2
- Add the Pipe cleaner at the recommended dosage then run filter pump for 2 hours and drain and flush.
- See pipe cleaner label for full instructions.
Step 3
- Scoop any foam residue from tub, remove excess water then thoroughly wipe with soft cloth.
- For severe foaming we recommend a second fill and flush of the spa (without use of the pipe cleaner)
Step 4
- Refill spa, swim spa or hot tub through filter box with fresh water. Reinstall the filter cartridges.
Step 5
- Add 50gms per 1,000 litres of Filtrite Chlorine Remover to a bucket of water and mix.
- Run filter pump and add the Chlorine Remover.
- Run for 2 hours prior to adding any other chemical with lid or cover off.
Step 6
- Test pH, alkalinity and calcium hardness level.
- The ideal level of pH is between 7.2-7.6.
- The ideal level of alkalinity is between 80-140ppm
- The ideal level of calcium hardness is between 150-250ppm.
- Use Eezy Alkalinity Enhancer or Filtrite Spa pH Buffer to increase total alkalinity and pH.
- Use Eezy Calcium Enhancer or Filtrite Spa Hardness increase to increase the calcium hardness levels in the spa.
Step 7
- Add Eezy Shock of Spa Ultra Shock at the recommended dosage. Run filter pump for 1 hour.
- IMPORTANT: Do not run boost pumps when adding Eezy Shock.
Step 8
- Add Eezy Sanitiser at the rate of 60ml per 1,000 litres.
- Run the filter pump for 1 hour.
- IMPORTANT: Do not run boost pumps when adding Eezy Sanitiser.
Step 9
- Add the clarifier (Eezy Kleer or Crystal Clear) at the recommended dosage.
- Run filter pump.
- IMPORTANT: Do not run boost pumps when adding the clarifer.
Step 10
- Run filter pump for a minimum of 4 hours, or until water is clear.
How to Maintain a Chlorine-Free Spa, Swim Spa or Hot Tub with Sanit-eezy
Maintaining a spa, swim spa, or hot tub using Filtrite Sanit-eezy for Spas is Eezy with this simple process:
Step 1
- Add Eezy Sanitiser once per week at 60ml per 1,000 litres.
- Test water regularly and after heavy use and add sanitiser as necessary. The Eezy Sanitiser (Biguanide) level should be maximum 15-20ppm.
Step 2
- Add a Clarifier (Filtrite Crystal Clear or Sanit-eezy Eezy Kleer) once per week at the recommended dosage on the label.
Step 3
- Add the shock treatment (Filtrite Spa Ultra Shock or Sanit-eezy Eezy Shock) once per week at the recommended dosage on the label, as well as after heavy bather use or if the water appears cloudy.
Spa Water Maintenance – Hints & Tips
Cloudy Water: Cloudy water can be caused by one of 4 issues:
- Possible cause: Incorrect water balance.
To correct this:
- Test and adjust pH to between 7.2-7.6
- Test and adjust alkalinity to between 80-140ppm.
- Possible cause: Incorrect dosing of Sanit-eezy Eezy Sanitiser and clarifier
Either too much or too little can cause cloudy water.
To correct this:
- Test sanitiser level (15-20 ppm).
- If spa, swim spa or hot tub has been overdosed, remove 1/3 of water add 25gms per 1,000 litres of Chlorine Remover, re-fill with fresh water, then re-test.
- Possible cause: Blocked filter cartridges:
To correct this:
- Remove filter cartridges and clean with a Filtrite Filter Cleaner.
- Apply a shock treatment to the spa, swim spa or hot tub with a double-dose of Filtrite Spa Ultra Shock or Eezy Shock and operate filter for 12 hours. Leave cover off spa, swim spa or hot tub.
- Possible cause: Build-up of body fats in pipe work:
To correct this:
- Use a Filtrite Pipe Cleaner to clean interior pipe work.
- Run filter pump for 2 hours, drain and flush spa, swim spa or hot tub, then thoroughly clean.
Brown Scum Lines:
Can be caused either by excess body fats or when contaminated water with chlorine has been added to the spa, swim spa or hot tub.
To correct this:
- Use the Spa cleaning pad to remove any scum build up.
- Add 50 gms per 1,000 ltrs of a Filtrite Chlorine Remover and run filter for 4 hours with cover off.
Green tinge to the Water
A green tinge to the water is not uncommon if the spa, swim spa or hot tub has been overdosed with a Shock treatment. The water is perfectly safe to use and should clear in 7 to 10 days.
Foaming is usually caused by either incorrect water balance or an excess build-up of body fats in the filter cartridge or pipe work.
To correct this:
- Add one cap of Filtrite Anti-Foam to stop foaming and then to eliminate it-
- Clean the filter cartridge using a Filtrite cartridge cleaner.
- If foaming persists, use a Filtrite Pipe Cleaner and refill spa, swim spa or hot tub.
A strong odour can be caused either by a low pH level, overdosing with Eezy sanitiser, or the presence of body fats.
To correct this:
- Check and adjust pH, and dilute spa, swim spa or hot tub with fresh water as necessary.
- Body fats can be treated by a dose of a Filtrite Shock.