Saniteezy for Family Pools - Instructions & Pool Maintenance
By Clark Rubber | 14th March, 2023
Start-up and Maintenance Instructions.
To make any family pool safe for swimming, you need an effective sanitiser to protect bathers from harmful bacteria. Filtrite Sanit-eezy Eezy Sanitiser is at the heart of the chlorine-free solution and is an effective sanitising treatment that kills microorganisms in pool and spa water, helping to maintain a hygienic swimming environment.
Filtrite Sanit-eezy for Family Pools is suitable for asthmatics and skin allergy sufferers. It is for all pool owners that want a clean, fresh pool without the odours and skin irritations that can be associated with Chlorine sanitising systems.
If you are using a Sanit-eezy Family Pool Starter kit, please take a few moments to read this information and instructions to ensure the correct and safe sanitising and maintenance of your pool.
The Sanit-eezy Starter Kit for Family Pools:
The Sanit-eezy Chlorine-Free Starter Kit for Family Pools is specially designed and formulated to sanitise and maintain your swimming and easily keep it safe for your family and friends.
This Sanit-eezy starter kit includes the following products:
(Please note that kit component branding may differ due to ongoing product updates)
- Sanit-eezy Eezy Chlorine-free Sanitiser:
Purpose - The heart of the Sanit-eezy for Family Pools chlorine free range – Eezy Sanitiser which provides ongoing protection against harmful bacteria in your pool.
Dosage - Add weekly or as required after testing.
- Chlorine remover (Filtrite Chlorine Remover or Eezy Chlorine Remover):
Purpose - Is used to remove chlorine and bromine from water.
Dosage - Add when filling, refilling and when topping up pool.
- Chlorine-free shock treatment (Filtrite Ultimate Oxyshock or Eezy Performance):
Purpose - A powerful non-chlorine oxidiser that helps burn out impurities and body fats.
Dosage - Add fortnightly or if water is cloudy after heavy use.
- Non-copper algae-control (Filtrite Ultimate Algaecide or Eezy Enhance):
Purpose - Specially blended formula that works in harmony with Eezy Sanitiser to promote safe, clear and algae-free water.
Dosage - Add weekly as required.
- Biguanide Test Kit: To conduct regular home tests of the biguanide sanitiser levels in the water.
Steps for treating and converting a family pool with Sanit-eezy:
IMPORTANT: Always wait 1 hour between adding each product (unless otherwise instructed). Run filter pump only.
Step 1:
- Dilute 25gms per 2,000 litres of Chlorine Remover in a bucket of water.
- Run the circulation pump and add the Chlorine Remover.
- If setting up a brand new pool-
- Run for 1 hour prior to adding any other chemicals.
- If converting a chlorine pool to a Sanit-eezy pool -
- Run the pump for 2 hours prior to adding any more chemicals.
- Retest water for chlorine and then only proceed to Step 2 if the chlorine reading is now zero.
- If chlorine is still present, you will need to retreat water with another dose of Chlorine Remover.
- If setting up a brand new pool-
Step 2:
- Test the water for pH, alkalinity and calcium hardness levels using Filtrite 5 in 1 Test Strips.
- The ideal level of pH is between 7.2 - 7.6.
- The ideal alkalinity is between 80 - 140ppm
- The ideal level of calcium hardness is between 150 - 250ppm.
- Use Filtrite pH Buffer, Filtrite pH Up or Filtrite pH Down (Dry Acid) to adjust pH and alkalinity if necessary after testing.
- Use Filtrite Calcium Hardness Increaser to increase calcium levels if necessary after testing.
Step 3:
- Add the chlorine-free shock treatment at the recommended dosage on the label and then run filtration pump for 1 hour. Take care NOT to overdose with the oxidiser or sanitiser effectiveness may be impacted.
Step 4:
- Add Eezy Sanitiser at 60ml for 10,000 litres and then run the filtration pump for 1 hour.
Step 5:
- Add the Non-Copper algae-control (Filtrite Ultimate Algaecide or Eezy Enhance) at the rate of 50ml per 10,000 litres and then run the filtration pump for 1 hour.
Step 6:
- Once all steps are complete, run the filter pump for a minimum of 4 hours, or until water is clear.
You are now ready to enjoy your chlorine-free pool, courtesy of Sanit-eezy by Clark Rubber.
Steps for Maintaining your Sanit-eezy Family Pool
Maintaining a pool using Filtrite Sanit-eezy for Family Pools is a simple, easy 3 step process.
IMPORTANT: Always wait 1 hour between adding each product (unless otherwise instructed).
Run filter pump only.
Step 1:
- Eezy Sanitiser levels should be in the range of 15 - 20ppm.
- Add Eezy Sanitiser once per week at the rate of 60ml per 10,000 litres to maintain levels.
- Test water regularly or after heavy use and add more Eezy Sanitiser if necessary.
Step 2:
- To maintain water clarity and control algae, add the non-copper algae-control (Filtrite Ultimate Algaecide or Eezy Enhance) once per week at the recommended dosage.
Step 3:
- To oxidise impurities and organic contaminants, and maintain optimum water clarity, add the non-chlorine shock treatment:
- once per fortnight at 50gms per 10,000 litres
- OR after heavy use
- OR if water appears cloudy
NOTE: Take care NOT to overdose
Water Testing for Filtrite Sanit-eezy:
- Eezy Sanitiser should be tested regularly and maintained between 15 – 20 parts per million (ppm).
- pH should be maintained between 7.2 - 7.6
- Total alkalinity should be between 80 - 140ppm.
- Calcium hardness should be between 150 - 250ppm
You can test for pH, total alkalinity and calcium hardness levels regularly with Filtrite 5 in 1 Test Strips. Alternatively, have your pool water regularly tested at your Clark Rubber store.
NOTE: Stabiliser (cyanuric acid) is NOT required in a Filtrite Sanit-eezy Pool.
Sanit-eezy Starter Kit for Family Pools – Hints and Tips:
Cloudy Water:
Cloudy water can be caused by one of these 3 issues:
- Incorrect water balance.
To correct this:
- Test and adjust the pH to between 7.2 - 7.6
- Test and adjust alkalinity levels to between 80-140ppm.
- Incorrect dosing of Sanit-eezy Eezy Sanitiser and algae-control
Either too much or too little of these can cause cloudy water.
To correct this:
- Test sanitiser levels (15 – 20ppm). Seek advice from your Clark Rubber pool professional.
- Poor water circulation and filtration:
To correct:
- If using filter cartridges:
- Remove filter cartridges and clean with a Filtrite Filter Cleaner available from Clark Rubber
- If using a sand filter:
- Backwash filter as per manufactured recommendation.
- After cleaning your filter, dose the pool with double-dose of non-chlorine shock treatment with Filtrite Ultimate Oxyshock or Eezy Performance and operate the filter for 12 hours.
Green Water:
Green water is a sign of an algae-bloom. If algae occurs, correct this by brushing the pool walls and floor and then add Filtrite Ultimate Algaecide. The most common cause of algae growth is poor circulation or insufficient filtration run time.
Brown Scum Lines:
A brown scum line can be caused either by an excess of body fats or when water with chlorine has been added to the pool.
To correct this:
- Use a cloth to remove any scum build up.
- Add 25gms per 2,000 litres of Filtrite Chlorine Remover and run the pump and filter for 4 hours.
Offensive Odour
A strong chemical or offensive odour is usually caused by either a low pH level or from overdosing the pool with Eezy Sanitiser.
To Correct this:
- Check and adjust pH level, and dilute pool with fresh water if necessary.