How to Remove Stains From a Swimming Pool
By Clark Rubber | 9th December, 2020
Removing Stains From Your Swimming Pool
Pool staining can detract from the appearance of your pool or spa. The following blog will show you how to Remove Stains from your Swimming Pool.
What you’ll need:
- Crystal Clear Clarifier Pill
- Stain Eliminator
- Stain & Scale Control
- Chlorine Remover
Remove stains from your pool by following these simple steps (how-to):
- Filtrite Stain Eliminator should not be used in vinyl lined pools.
- Do not allow contact with coloured marblesheen pool finishes. In this situation place the product in a sock or stocking attached to the end of a pool pole and hold very close to the affected area without actually touching it. This is also effective for treatment of spots rather than wider staining.
How to remove pool stains
- Have your water professionally tested at your local Clark Rubber store before commencing any chemical treatments.
- Allow chlorine level to drop to maximum 0.5 ppm. Use Filtrite Chlorine Remover.
- Apply Filtrite Stain Eliminator directly onto affected areas and leave stand for 24 hours. Allow chlorine level to drop below 0.5ppm. Backwash filter to achieve maximum circulation, then turn off filter. Apply Filtrite Stain Eliminator directly onto affected areas and leave to stand for 24 hours. Super chlorinate and adjust pH levels to approximately 7.0-7.2. Do not use this product in indoor heated pool or commercial spa installations.
- Add chlorine and rebalance pool water. Add Filtrite Trichlor.
- After 5 days add Filtrite Stain and Scale Control to prevent metals coming out of solution and restaining pool interior. Add 25ml per 10,000 litres weekly. Add Crystal Clear Clarifier Pill to Skimmer Box to improve water clarity.
Pool Stain Prevention and Maintenance
Prevention is always better than cure. Regular dosing with Filtrite 4 in 1 Clarifier or Filtrite Stain and Scale Control will help remove dissolved metals from your pool. Ideally stain removal is best performed during the cooler months when the pool is not being used.
Always follow the manufacturers directions provided on the product.